
Neon64 NES-SRAM to N64-SRAM redirection

Requirements for new version

  • N64 Expansion Pak
  • Good: 256kbit SRAM -> NES-SRAM Saving
  • Better: 768kbit SRAM (Dezaemon 3D) -> NES-SRAM Saving + permanent save state (BETA)


Until the SRAM handling for the emulator is activated in the backup devices (64drive) menu the new features will only work via USB or via an appended ROM file and manual SRAM activation.

New features in version 0.2

NES-SRAM to N64-SRAM redirection

The NES-SRAM can now be loaded and stored to the N64-SRAM. A part of the first 256kbit SRAM is used, so common 256kbit SRAM and 768kbit SRAM (Dezaemon 3D) is compatible for this feature.
NES-SRAM loaded from N64-SRAM

Loading NES-SRAM

If the NES game supports SRAM, Neon64 will first try to load the SRAM from the Controller Pak in Controller 1, if no Controller Pak is present it will try to load the NES-SRAM from the N64-SRAM. So you can use Controller Pak and N64-SRAM as source. This happens automatically during rom loading.


Saving NES-SRAM has to be triggered manually via the L+R Menu (see picture). Options for saving to the Controller Pak and the N64 SRAM exist. The latter is recommended for easy SRAM on SD card management.

L+R menu to save NES-SRAM to N64-SRAM oder Controller Pak

Temporary save states basic error handling

It is no longer possible to load the save state from the Expansion Pak without saving once beforehand.

Permanent save states in N64-SRAM (BETA)

If your backup device supports 768kbit SRAM (Dezaemon 3D) the extra space can be used to save the current Neon64 state. This feature is unfinished because the cache of the NES graphics compiler (background pattern table) is not saved/loaded. So the game will show a lot of garbage but will work normal otherwise. The pattern table is far too big for N64-SRAM saving. So for this to work I will either have to rewrite parts of the compiler, implement some compression, or figure out how to invalidate the compiler cache. The current results highly depend on the game and how it utilises sprites. Walking around can partially fix some games. The more complex the game the more garbage you will see on screen.
NEON64 is great



Future work:

  • Add proper RSP backup code to fix wrong colours
  • Fix pattern table cache handling


  1. Awesome! works on my everdrive 2.0 also the permanent save states with garbage in the screen but works

  2. Good to know and thank you for the feedback! New version has been released with better persistent save state support :-) https://themanbehindcurtain.blogspot.de/2017/01/neon64-with-improved-persistent.html

    1. Is there an easier way to know where to put the files?

  3. Impressive NES emulator, and now without the dithering effect the image is much more clear. Hope for aditional Mappers compatibility in a future update: MMC5, VRC4, Sunsoft 5, Namcot 106, FFE, M34.

  4. How can we do that?
    I tried but doesn't save state.... :( :(

    Can anyone explain how to do that?
