Main changes in version 0.3
- RSP DMEM backup code added
- SRAM savestate error handling
- NES Graphics Compiler Cache invalidation
Other stuff:
- disabled dither filter (thx marshallh)
- reordered L+R menu more logically
- small boundary errors fixed
RSP DMEM backup code added
Fixes wrong background colours when loading states in some games. Applies for Expansion Pak and SRAM state loading. E.g. Super Mario Bros. 1 and 3 have no more permanent wrong colours after loading.
SRAM savestate error handling
SRAM savestates now also have header and footer. So no more loading garbage by accident. (No SRAM emulation or no prior saving) Since no CRC is used the SRAM content can still be changed for cheating. The complete NES memory is also part of the savestate, so you can cheat by editing the SRAM on the SD card.
NES Graphics Compiler Cache invalidation
Persistent SRAM savestates are now fully usable in Super Mario Bros. 1 and 3.
In most other games loading the SRAM savestate, killing yourself in game, wait for the game to reload the level and loading the SRAM state again can restore the cache. This works e.g. in Super Mario Bros. 2, Contra, Kirby's Adventure, Metroid and Megamen. The emulator is not designed to get its entire pattern table cache deleted between two frames. So the results will vary depending on the game. The described strategy works for me on the tested games.
You should not use the Expansion Pak savestate while the screen is still showing garbage since it would back up the garbage.
Big thanks to marshallh the 64drive developer for activating the SRAM emulation in the 64drive menu, useful hints how to further improve the Neon64 emulator and the 64drive as a great N64 development device in general.